Disabling UPnP

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Disabling UPnP

"[upnp-igd] asks your router to open and forward to the Stora the ports specified on the /etc/upnp-igd.conf, keep it in mind when you disable it, you'll need to manually open those ports on your router/firewall if you need them."

However, you may not want or need this service running, in some situations it can be a security risk and you may prefer to forwards from your router manually.

  • Stora Firmware v2.3 or later:

There is an option under Server Preferences --> UPNP Router Configuration to disable UPnP configuration of the router.

  • Stora Firmware earlier than v2.3:

as root, run

chkconfig --level 2345 upnp-igd off

Checking your UPnP status

issue the following command as root:

/usr/sbin/igd-client mappings

If it returns "Connection refused" then uPnP is disabled, otherwise it will tell you the ports mapped.

Reference: http://www.openstora.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=458