Installing Squeezebox Server
From OpenStora
== Howto install Slimserver/Squeezebox Server/Logitech Media Server (currently 7.3.3) on the Stora == (please note that v7.7.2 now possible - refer forum)
Root access You should have an up-and-running IPKG package manager, if you don't have that follow these instructions: Installing_a_package_manager.
- Install the squeezecenter package
sudo ipkg install squeezecenter
- Start squeezecenter
sudo /opt/etc/init.d/S99squeezecenter start
- Connect to your squeezecenter through your web browser with '<STORAIP>:9000'
- Enter all the relevant data into squeezecenter to set up your login
Troubleshooting: Check if your mysql database is up and running, 'sudo /opt/etc/init.d/S70mysqld start'