Create a Share with Guest Access

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Sometimes it is useful to have a share available with Guest access.

To best use this feature with the Stora, the following is suggested:

- create a new folder \\STORA\FamilyLibrary\Guest (you can do this in Windows)

- use vi to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf to add the following

comment = Stora (Guest Share)
browseable = yes
readonly = yes
guest ok = yes

Now restart samba to make your share visible, type:

/etc/init.d/smb restart

All Stora users can see and access \\STORA\FamilyLibrary\Guest with full privileges. Thus they can place content here.

Any network user can access \\STORA\FamilyLibrary\Guest readonly.

All users includes simple network devices such as media players (useful for UPNP unsupported content).

In the GoFlex Home, it is also needed to change, in /etc/samba/smb.conf, the line

map to guest = never


map to guest = Bad User

since otherwise it will keep asking for a valid user even for the guest shares.